Moving forward with marketing

Feb 27, 2023 by Colette Alaine
My Thrillseekers, 
My health has been an obstacle more than usual but I have been able to listen to several presentations about marketing. I've been reticient to just throw money into everything out there. I receive lots of emails from presenters that interested me; many I unsubscribe after several emails that really don't need to take time away from my life. One of those emails said something very profound to me and I'll paraphrase. He asked if we thought a great number of people would purchase our books from random advertising on social media and Amazon. Some people may make a purchase but probably not enough for me to spend much money on ads right now.

So, I've been looking for something that is cost-effective but mostly, that is worth my effort. After hundreds (perhaps even a thousand) presentations, I may have found what I've been searching for but I'm going to experiment with it first before I tout it as a successful alternative. If I begin to see results, I'll clue you into what I'm doing and it may help some of you.

I'm getting more reviews on The Martinique Files series and everyone is loving it! I joined Goodreads but I haven't spent enough time on it yet to really understand it. It's on my list!

Speaking of my list, I've checked off many, many items but I still have some big things to do. It never ends but I am learning so much. Hopefully, I will be completely caught up by the end of March and then you'll see my precense much more often. It takes so much time and being sick, it takes me more time than most but I continue to move forward.

Take Care and Cheers!